Confidence-building Tips for Working Moms in the Workplace.

Confidence-building Tips for Working Moms in the Workplace.

About Us Coaching Career for Mothers My Books Blog Contact Us Confidence-building Tips for Working Moms in the Workplace. We all know that moms are called superhumans, but sometimes, even superhumans find themselves in a place where they need a boost of confidence, especially in the workplace. So I put together a few tips to…

Four Tips to Help you Overcome Imposter Syndrome

Four Tips to Help you Overcome Imposter Syndrome

About Us Coaching Career for Mothers My Books Blog Contact Us Four Tips to Help you Overcome Imposter Syndrome In the 1970s, psychologists Suzana Imes and Pauline Rose Clance first used the term “Imposter Syndrome.” It means doubting yourself and repeatedly asking questions like – “Am I good enough?”.  You need to understand the symptoms…

spilled bottle of yellow capsule pills

Three of my favorite supplements that have been assisting me in my wellness journey and should consider them too. 

Working moms often need an extra boost when it comes to staying healthy, thriving, and happy. With life’s many demands, from work to family and beyond, we can often feel exhausted or even stressed when our energy sources are depleted. In today’s blog, we are taking a look at three of my favorite supplements from…

How do you know it’s the right time to leave your current job?

Should I or Should I not leave my job! This is the million-dollar question most of us ask ourselves at some point in our careers. It can be overwhelming and super stressful but it’s okay to think about starting a new career especially if you no longer feel challenged, appreciated, or just want to start…